publications in peer-reviewed journals and books. References marked
‘download article’ are available here for downloading.
In review
The potential for AI to revolutionise conservation: a horizon scan. Reynolds, S.A., Beery, S., Burgess, N., Burgman, M., Butchart, S.H.M., Danielsen, F. … Sutherland, W.J. In review.
Involving citizens in monitoring the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. Danielsen, F., Ali, N., Andrianandrasana, H., Baquero, A., Basilius, U., Constantino, P., ... & Burgess, N. Nature Sustainability.
Fair concordance between Google Trends and Danish ornithologists in the assessment of temporal trends in Danish bird populations highlights the informational value of big data. Jensen, P. M., Danielsen, F., Jacobsen, S. K., & Vikstrøm, T. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 196(3), 276.
The contributions of citizen science to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and other international agreements and frameworks. Fraisl, D., See, L., Campbell, J., Danielsen, F., & Andrianandrasana, H. T. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice 8(1), 27.
Challenges, strategies, and impacts of doing citizen science with marginalised and indigenous communities: reflections from project coordinators Benyei, P., Skarlatidou, A., Argyriou, D., Hall, R., Theilade, I., Danielsen, F., Shadrin, V., Vronski, N. et al. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice 8(1), 21.
Mapping the landscape of citizen science in Africa: Assessing its potential contributions to Sustainable Development Goals 6 and 11 on access to clean water and sanitation and sustainable cities. Elias, P., Shonowo, A., De Sherbinin, A., Hultquist, C., Danielsen, F., Cooper, C., ... & Popescu, I. (2023). Citizen Science: Theory and Practice 8(1), 33.
Mobilizing collective intelligence for adapting to climate change in the Arctic: The case of monitoring Svalbard’s and Greenland’s environment by expedition cruises. Kragh, G., Poulsen, M.K, Iversen, L., Cheeseman, T., & Danielsen, F. In: The Routledge Handbook of Collective Intelligence for Democracy and Governance (Boucher, S., Hallin, C.A. & Paulson, L., eds). Routledge.
Community monitoring of natural resource systems and the environment. Danielsen, F., Eicken, H., Funder, M., Johnson, N., Lee, O., Theilade, I., Argyriou, D. & Burgess, N. D. Annual Review of Environment and Resources 47, 637-670.
Citizen science in environmental and ecological sciences. Fraisl, D., Hager, G., Bedessem, B., Gold, M., Hsing, P. Y., Danielsen, F., ... & Haklay, M. Nature Reviews Methods Primers 2(1), 1-20.
Data sovereignty in community-based environmental monitoring: toward equitable environmental data governance.
Reyes-García, V., Tofighi-Niaki, A., Austin, B. J., Benyei, P., Danielsen, F., Fernández-Llamazares, Á., ... & Tengö, M. BioScience 72(8), 714-717.
Monitoring temporal trends in internet searches for “ticks” across Europe by Google Trends: Tick–human interaction or general interest? Jensen, P. M., Danielsen, F., & Skarphedinsson, S. Insects 13(2), 176.
Community-Based Monitoring 2021 Collection. Special Section in BioScience.
The concept, practice, application and results of locally-based monitoring of the environment. Danielsen, F., Enghoff, M., Poulsen, M.K., Funder, M., Jensen, P.M. & Burgess, N.D. BioScience 71(5), 484-502.
Creating synergies between citizen science and Indigenous and local knowledge. Tengö, M., Austin, B., Danielsen, F. & Fernández-Llamazares, Á. BioScience 71(5), 503-518.
Connecting top-down and bottom-up approaches in environmental observing. Eicken, H., Danielsen, F., Sam, J.-M., Fidel, M., Johnson, N., Poulsen, M.K., Lee, O.A., … Enghoff, M. BioScience 71(5), 467-483.
The use of digital platforms for community-based monitoring. Johnson, N., Druckenmiller, M.L., Danielsen, F. & Pulsifer, P.L. BioScience 71(5), 452-466.
Expanding the impact of citizen science. Bonney, R. BioScience, 71(5), 448-451.
Community-based monitoring in the Arctic. Danielsen, F., Johnson, N., Lee, O., Fidel, M., Iversen, L., Poulsen, M.K…. Enghoff, M. University of Alaska Press. 116pp.
The critical importance of citizen science data. de Sherbinin, A., Bowser, A., Chuang, T. R., Cooper, C., Danielsen, F., Edmunds, R., ... & Sivakumar, K. Frontiers in Climate 20.
Using local ecological knowledge as evidence to guide management: A community-led harvest calculator for muskoxen in Greenland. Cuyler, C., Daniel, C. J., Enghoff, M., Levermann, N., Møller-Lund, N., Hansen, P. N., ... & Danielsen, F. Conservation Science and Practice 2(3), e159.
Current approaches to citizen science. Danielsen, F., Adrian, T., Jensen, P.M., Muñoz, J., Shirk, J.L. & Burgess, N.D. Pg. 25-29 in. Handbook of Citizen Science. University of California Press.
The need for changes in the use of Indigenous knowledge along with science for decision-making. Wheeler, H., Danielsen, F., Fidel, M., Hausner, V. H., Horstkotte, T., Johnson, N., ... & Ballari, Ø. People and Nature. 2: 544–556.
Citizen seismology in the Arctic. Jeddi, Z., Voss, P. H., Sørensen, M. B., Danielsen, F., Dahl-Jensen, T., Larsen, T. B., ... & Frederiksen, P. O. Frontiers in Earth Science 8: 139.
Community-based monitoring in Yakutia, Arctic Russia. Enghoff, M., Vronski, N., Shadrin, V., Sulyandziga, R. & Danielsen, F. INTAROS. CSIPN, RIPOSR, NORDECO and INTAROS.
Local ecological knowledge indicators for wild plant management. Tomasini, S. & Theilade, I. Ecological Indicators 101: 1064–1076.
Cruise Expedition Monitoring Workshop and Dialogue-Seminar: On improving and expanding the environmental monitoring efforts of cruise ships in the Arctic, March 7-8 2019, Longyearbyen,
Svalbard. Poulsen, M. K., Iversen, L., Mikkelsen, N., & Danielsen, F. NORDECO and INTAROS, Bergen. 22pp. DOI:
Community-based monitoring of tropical forest crimes and forest resources using information and communication technology–experiences from Prey Lang, Cambodia. Brofeldt, S., Argyriou, D., Turreira-García, N., Meilby, H., Danielsen, F., & Theilade, I. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice 3(2).
Managing consequences of climate-driven species redistribution requires integration of ecology, conservation and social science. Bonebrake, T. C., Brown, C. J., Bell, J. D., Blanchard, J. L., Chauvenet, A., Champion, C., Colwell, R. K., Danielsen, F. ... & Pecl, G. T. Biological Reviews 93(1), 284-305.
A vision for global biodiversity monitoring with citizen science. Pocock, M.J.O., Chandler, M., Bonney, R., Albin, A. …. & Danielsen, F. Advances in Ecological Research 59, 169-223.
The value of indigenous and local knowledge as citizen science. Danielsen, F., Burgess, N.D., Coronado, I.M., Enghoff, M., Holt, S., Jensen, P.M., Poulsen, M.K. & Rueda, R.M. Pg. 110-123 in Citizen Science. London: University College London Press.
INTAROS Community- based Monitoring Experience Exchange Workshop Report: Canada. Workshop organized as a contribution to INTAROS, December 11-12, 2017. Johnson, N., Fidel, M., Danielsen, F., Iversen, L., Poulsen, M.K., Hauser, D., Pulsifer, P. ELOKA, NORDECO, YRITWC, IARC-UAF & INTAROS (36 pp). DOI:
Community based monitoring programmes in the Arctic: Capabilities, good practice and challenges. Danielsen, F., Fidel, M., Johnson, N.J. , Poulsen, M.K. et al. Bergen: INTAROS.
Biodiversity redistribution under climate change: impacts on ecosystems and human well-being. Pecl, G., … Danielsen, F. et al. Science 355, 6332.
Weaving knowledge systems in IPBES, CBD and beyond—lessons learned for sustainability. Tengö, M., Hill, R., Malmer, P., Raymond, C.M., Spierenburg, M., Danielsen, F. et al. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 26, 17-25.
Citizen science tools for engaging local stakeholders in landscape stewardship. Danielsen, F., Enghoff, M., Magnussen, E., Mustonen, T., Degteva, A. et al. Chapter 5 in Bieling. C. & Plieninger, T. (eds.). The Science and Practice of Landscape Stewardship. UK: Cambridge University Press.
Assessing equity in protected area governance: approaches to promote just and effective conservation. Dawson, N., Martin, A. & Danielsen, F. Conservation Letters 11(2), e12388.
Managing consequences of climate-driven species redistribution requires integration of sciences. Bonebrake, T.C. … Danielsen, F. et al. Biological Reviews 93 (1), 284-305.
The value and opportunities of community approaches to tropical biodiversity monitoring. Chandler, M., … Brofeldt, S., … Constantino, P.A.L., Danielsen, F., Poulsen, M.K., Theilade, I. et al. Pg. 223-281 in: GOFC-GOLD & GEO BON (eds.). A Sourcebook for Monitoring Essential Biodiversity Variables. Wageningen: GOFC-GOLD.
An Assessment of Community Based Monitoring in the Arctic. Hansen, S.G. Msc Thesis. Copenhagen: University of Copenhagen, NORDECO, SnowChange (110 pg.).
INTAROS community-based monitoring experience exchange workshop report, Fairbanks, Alaska, May 10, 2017. Fidel, M., Johnson, N., Danielsen, F., Eicken, H., Iversen, L., Lee, O., & Strawhacker, C. Yukon River Inter-Tribal Watershed Council (YRITWC), University of Alaska Fairbanks, ELOKA, and INTAROS, Fairbanks (21pp). DOI:
Expanding the scientific basis for how the world can monitor and manage natural resources. Danielsen F. 2016. Copenhagen: Univ. Copenhagen and NORDECO. 650 pp.
Vimeo 30-min.:
Contribution of citizen science towards international biodiversity monitoring. Chandler M, See L, Copas K, Bonde AMZ, López BC, Danielsen F, Legind JK, Masinde S, Miller-Rushing AJ, Newman G, Rosemartin A, Turak E. 2016. Biological Conservation.
Can community members identify tropical tree species for REDD+ carbon and biodiversity measurements? Zhao M, Brofeldt S, Li Q, Xu J, Danielsen F, Laessøe SBL, Poulsen MK, Gottlieb A, Maxwell JF, Theilade I. 2016. PLoS ONE 11(11): e0152061. doi:10.1371/journal.
The role of digital data entry in participatory environmental monitoring. Brammer JR, Brunet ND, Burton AC, Cuerrier A, Danielsen F, Dewan K, Herrmann TM, Jackson MV, Kennett R, Larocque G, Mulrennan M, Pratihast AK, Saint-Arnaud M, Scott C, Humphries MM. 2016. Conservation Biology. DOI 10.1111/cobi.12727.
Monitoramento Participativo da Biodiversidade e dos Recursos Naturais. Constantino PAL, Buening JK, Silvius K, Danielsen F, Poulsen MK et al. 2016. Biodiversidade Brasileira 16: l8-33.
A combination of methods needed to assess the actual use of provisioning ecosystem services. Rasmussen LV, Mertz O, Christensen AE, Danielsen F, Dawson N, Xaydongvanh P. 2016. Ecosystem Services 17: 75-86.
From food to pest: Conversion factors determine switches between ecosystem services and disservices. Rasmussen LV, Christensen AE, Danielsen F, Dawson N, Martin A, Mertz O, Sikor T, Thongmanivong S, Xaydongvanh P. 2016. Ambio. Doi:10.1007/s13280-016-0813-6.
Community-based monitoring and indigenous knowledge in a changing Arctic: A review for the Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks, Arctic Council. Johnson N, Behe C, Danielsen F, Krümmel E.-M., Nickels S, Pulsifer PL. 2016. Ottawa: Inuit Circumpolar Council.
Manaus Letter: Recommendations for the Participatory Monitoring of Biodiversity. Participatory Monitoring and Management Partnership 2015. In Constantino PAL, Silvius KM, Kleine Büning J, Arroyo P, Danielsen F, Durigan CC, Estupinan G, Hvalkof S, Poulsen MK, Ribeiro KT (eds.), International Seminar on Participatory Monitoring of Biodiversity for the Management of Natural Resources 2014. Manaus, Brasil. English, Spanish, Portuguese.
Local knowledge and resource management. On the use of indigenous and local knowledge to document and manage natural resources in the Arctic. Nordic Council of Ministers. 2015. TemaNord 2015:506. Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers.
Contributions of Community-Based Monitoring and Traditional Knowledge
to Arctic Observing Networks: Reflections on the State of the Field
Johnson, Lilian Alessa, Carolina Behe, Finn Danielsen, Shari Gearheard,
Victoria Gofman-Wallingford, Andrew Kliskey, Eva-Maria Krümmel, Amanda
Lynch, Tero Mustonen, Peter Pulsifer and Michael Svoboda. ARCTIC
VOL. 68, SUPPL. 1 (2015)
management: Citizen science is not enough on its own
R., Danielsen, F. and Silvius, K.M. 2015. Nature 521: 161.
monitoring of carbon stocks for REDD+: does accuracy and cost change
over time? Brofeldt,
S., Theilade, I., Burgess, N.D., Danielsen, F. et al. Forests
2014, 5(8), 1834-1854.
focus groups as a tool for connecting indigenous and local knowledge on
abundance of natural resources with science-based land management
systems. Danielsen, F., Jensen, P.M., Burgess,
Coronado, I.,
Holt, S., Poulsen, M.K., Rueda, R.M., Skielboe, T., Enghoff, M.,
Hemmingsen, L.H., Sørensen, M. and Pirhofer-Walzl,
K. Conservation Letters 2014 7: 380-389
what counts: using local knowledge to improve Arctic resource
management. Danielsen, F., Topp-Jørgensen, E.,
N., Løvstrøm,
P., Schiøtz, M., Enghoff, M. and Jakobsen, P. 2014. Polar Geography 37:
diverse knowledge systems for enhanced ecosystem governance: the
multiple evidence base Approach. Tengö, M.,
E.S., Elmqvist,
T., Malmer, P., Spierenburg, M. Ambio
steps for citizen science. Bonney, R., Shirk,
Phillips, T.B.,
Wiggins, A., Ballard, H.L., Miller-Rushing, A.J., and Parrish. J.K.
Science 343: 1436-1437.
multi-country assessment of tropical resource monitoring by local
communities. Danielsen, F., Jensen, P.M.,
Burgess, N.D.,
R., Alviola, P.A., Andrianandrasana, H., Brashares, J.S., Burton, A.C.,
Coronado, I., Corpuz, N., Enghoff, M., Fjeldså, J., Funder, M., Holt,
S., Hübertz, H., Jensen, A.E., Lewis, R., Massao, J., Mendoza, M.M.,
Ngaga, Y., Pipper, C.B., Poulsen, M.K., Rueda, R.M., Sam, M., Skielboe,
T., Sørensen, M. and Young, R. 2014. BioScience 64: 236–251.
and complementarities among approaches to conservation monitoring and
evaluation. Mascia, M.B., Pailler, S., Thieme,
M., Rowe,
A., Bottrill,
M.C., Danielsen, F., Geldmann, J., Naidoo, R., Pullin, A. and Burgess,
N.D. 2014. Biological Conservation 169: 258–267.
public participation in scientific research to the indicators and needs
of international environmental agreements.
Danielsen,F., K. Pirhofer-Walzl, T. P. Adrian, D. R. Kapijimpanga, N.
D. Burgess, P. M. Jensen, R. Bonney, M. Funder, A. Landa, N. Levermann
and J. Madsen. Conservation Letters 2013 7: 12-24.
monitoring for REDD+: international promises and field realities.
Danielsen, F., T. Adrian, S. Brofeldt, M. van Noordwijk, M. K. Poulsen,
S. Rahayu, E. Rutishauser, I. Theilade, A. Widayati, N. The An, T.
Nguyen Bang, A. Budiman, M. Enghoff, A. E. Jensen, Y. Kurniawan, Q. Li,
Z. Mingxu, D. Schmidt-Vogt, S. Prixa, V. Thoumtone, Z. Warta, and N.
Burgess. 2013. Ecology and Society 18(3): 41.
Conservation: The Social Dynamics of Participatory Monitoring in
Tanzania’s Community‑managed Forests.
Funder, M., F. Danielsen, Y. Ngaga, M. R. Nielsen and M. K. Poulsen.
2013. Conservation and Society 11(3): 218-232.
through community involvement.
Huntington, H. P., Danielsen, F., Enghoff, M., Levermann, N., Løvstrøm,
P., Schiøtz,M., Svoboda, M., and Topp-Jørgensen, E. 2013. Pg. 536-539
in: Arctic Biodiversity Assessment. Status and trends in Arctic
biodiversity. (Ed. H. Meltofte). Conservation of Arctic Flora and
Fauna, Akureyi, Iceland.
future of citizen science: emerging technologies and shifting paradigms.
Newman, G., Wiggins, A., Crall, A., Graham, E., Newman, S., and
Crowston, K. Frontiers in Ecology and Environment 10(6): 298–304,
From global to local in
REDD+ MRV: Linking community and government approaches.
Danielsen, F., Burgess, N.D., and Enghoff, M. Pg. 273-274 in Angelsen,
A. (Ed.), Analysing REDD+ challenges and choices (CIFOR, Bogor,
A framework for integrating
biodiversity concerns into national REDD+ programmes.
Gardner, T.A., Burgess, N. D., Aguilar-Amuchastegui, N., Barlow, J.,
Berenguer, E., Clements, T., Danielsen, F., ... Theilade, I., and
Vieira, I. C. G. Biological Conservation.
Seeing white elephants?
Production and communication of information in a locally-based
monitoring system in Tanzania.
Nielsen, M.R., and Lund, J.F. Conservation and Society 10(1): 1-14.
DOI: 10.4103/0972-4923.92188.
Averting biodiversity collapse
in tropical forest protected areas.
Laurance, W. et al. Nature doi:10.1038/nature11318.
At the heart of
REDD: a role for local people in monitoring forests?
F. Danielsen, M. Skutsch, N. D. Burgess, P. M. Jensen, H.
Andrianandrasana, B. Karky, R. Lewis, J. C. Lovett, J. Massao, Y.
Ngaga, P. Phartiyal, M. K. Poulsen, S. P. Singh, S. Solis, M. Sørensen,
A. Tewari, R. Young & E. Zahabu. Conservation Letters. Volume
4, page 158-167. With cover photo.
capital and incentives promote successful fisheries.
Gutierrez, N. L., R. Hilborn and O. Defeo. Nature, vol. 470, page
of recent population recovery in common eiders breeding in Western
Merkel, F.R. Journal of Wildlife Management 74:1869–1874
costs and
reliability of community forestry monitoring.
Skutsch, M., E. Zahabu, B. Karky and F. Danielsen. Pg. 73-81 in
Community forest monitoring for the carbon market (M. Skutsch, ed.).
Earthscan, London.
decline of lions in Ghana’s Mole National Park
C. Burton, E. B. Buedi, C. Balangtaa, D. G. Kpelle, M.K. Sam &
J. S. Brashares. 2010. African Journal of Ecology. DOI:
monitoring: the scale and speed of implementation varies according to
the degree of peoples involvement
F. Danielsen, N. D. Burgess, P. M. Jensen and K.
Pirhofer-Walzl. Journal of Applied Ecology, Volume 47, page 1166–1168
Reporting of Catch Per Unit Effort as a Monitoring Tool in a
Bushmeat-Harvesting System
J. Rist, E. J. Milner-Gulland, G. Cowlishaw & M. Rowcliffe.
2010. Conservation Biology 24, 489-499.
ready for REDD+ in Tanzania: Progress and Challenges.
N. D. Burgess, B. Bahane, T. Clairs, F. Danielsen, S. Dalsgaard, M.
Funder, N. Hagelberg, P. Harrison, C. Haule, K. Kabalimu, F. Kilahama
et al. Oryx, 44(3), 339–351
stock of nature in species-rich but economically poor areas: An
emerging discipline of locally-based monitoring
F., N. Burgess, M. Funder, T. Blomley, J. Brashares, A. Akida, A.
Jensen, M. Mendoza, G. Stuart-Hill, M. K. Poulsen, H. Ramadhani, M. K.
Sam, and E. Topp-Jørgensen. 2009. In: Taking Stock of Nature (Ed. A.
Lawrence). Cambridge University Press, UK
density in response to different levels of bushmeat hunting in the
Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania.
Elmer Topp-Jørgensen, Martin Reinhardt Nielsen, Andrew Marshall, Ulrik
Pedersen. Tropical Conservation Science Vol. 2 (1):70-87
participation in natural resource monitoring: a characterization of
Danielsen, F., N. D. Burgess, A. Balmford, P.F. Donald, M. Funder, J.
P. G. Jones, P. Alviola, D. S. Balete, T. Blomley, J. Brashares, B.
Child, M. Enghoff, J. Fjeldså, S. Holt, H. Hübertz, A. E. Jensen, P. M.
Jensen, J. Massao, M. M. Mendoza, Y. Ngaga, M. K. Poulsen, R. Rueda, M.
Sam, T.Skielboe, G. Stuart-Hill, E. Topp-Jørgensen, and D.
Yonten. Conservation Biology 2009, Volume 23, No. 1, 31–42
forest monitoring: An assessment of the accuracy of
simple cost–effective methods. Mikkel Hooge Holck.
Biodivers Conserv (2008) 17:2023–2036
the use of interviews as a tool for monitoring trends in the
harvesting of wild species
Julia P. G. Jones, Mijasoa M. Andriamarovololona, Neal Hockley, James
M. Gibbons, and E. J. Milner-Gulland. Journal of Applied Ecology 2008,
45, 1205–1212
A. 2007. What is the National Forestry and Beekeeping
Database? The Arc Journal 21: 34-35.
Conservation Policy Delivers Benefits for Birds in Europe
Paul F. Donald, Fiona J. Sanderson, Ian J. Burfield, Stijn M. Bierman,
Richard D. Gregory, Zoltan Waliczky. Science vol. 317, 810 2007
Increasing Conservation Management Action by Involving
Local People in Natural Resource Monitoring
Finn Danielsen, Marlynn M. Mendoza, Anson Tagtag, Phillip A. Alviola,
Danilo S. Balete, Arne E. Jensen, Martin Enghoff, and Michael K.
Poulsen. Ambio, Volume 36, Issue 7 (November 2007)
F., N. Burgess, and E. Topp-Jørgensen. 2007. Native Knowledge. Science
Poulsen, M. K., Massao, J., Burgess, N., Topp-Jørgensen, E. 2007.
Community based monitoring of PFM in Tanzania: Initial experiences and
lessons learned. The Arc Journal 21: 31-33. Download
the special issue of The Arc Journal on Participatory Forest Management.
matters: Evaluating locally-based biodiversity monitoring in developing
Danielsen, F., N. D. Burgess, A. Balmford, J. Fjeldså, H. T.
Andrianandrasana, C. D. Becker, L. Bennun, J. S. Brashares, S.
Christiansen, P. F. Donald, S. Eguino, M. Enghoff, M. Funder, M. Gray,
H. Hübertz, J. P. G. Jones, I. Oetting, M. K. Poulsen, J. v. Rijsoort,
G. Stuart-Hill, E. Topp-Jørgensen, W. R. Townsend, A. J. Uychiaoco, T.
Whitten, and D. Yonten. Oryx 40: 2006 14 -15.
Issue: Monitoring matters: examining the potential
of locally-based approaches
Guest Editors: F. Danielsen, N. Burgess and A. Balmford
abstracts or full text:
1. Danielsen F., Burgess N. and Balmford A. / Monitoring matters:
examining the potential of locally-based approaches ABSTRACT
2. Rijsoort J.v. and Jinfeng Z. /
Participatory resource monitoring as a means for promoting social
change in Yunnan, China ABSTRACT
3. Bennun L., Matiku P., Mulwa R., Mwangi S. and
Buckley P. / Monitoring Important Bird Areas in Africa: towards a
sustainable and scaleable system ABSTRACT
4. Poulsen M.K. and Luanglath K. / Projects come,
projects go: Lessons from participatory monitoring in southern Laos ABSTRACT
5. Stuart-Hill G., Diggle R., Munali B. Tagg J. and
Ward D. / The Event Book System: a community-based natural resource
monitoring system from Namibia ABSTRACT
6. Danielsen F., Jensen A.E., Alviola P.A., Balete
D.S., Mendoza M.M., Tagtag A., Custodio C. and Enghoff M. / Does
monitoring matter? A quantitative assessment of management decisions
from locally-based monitoring of protected areas ABSTRACT
7. Topp-Jørgensen E., Poulsen M.K., Lund. J.F. and
Massao J.F. / Community-based monitoring of natural resource use and
forest quality in montane forests and miombo woodlands of
8. Noss A.J., Oetting I. and Cuéllar R.L. / Hunter
self-monitoring by the Isoseño-Guaraní in the Bolivian Chaco ABSTRACT
9. Becker C.D., Agreda, A., Astudillo E.,
Constantino M. and Torres P. / Community-based monitoring of fog
capture and biodiversity at Loma Alta, Ecuador enhance social capital
and institutional cooperation ABSTRACT
10. Brashares J.S. and Sam M.K. / How much is enough?
Estimating the minimum sampling required for effective monitoring of
African reserves ABSTRACT
11. Gray M. and Kalpers J. / Ranger based monitoring
in the Virunga-Bwindi Region of East-Central Africa: a simple data
collection tool for park management ABSTRACT
12. Townsend W.R., Borman A. R., Yiyoguaje E. and
Mendua L. / Cofán Indians’ monitoring of freshwater turtles in Zábalo,
13. Andrianandrasana H.T., Randriamahefasoa J.,
Durbin J., Lewis R.E. and Ratsimbazafy J.H. / Participatory ecological
monitoring of the Alaotra wetland in Madagascar ABSTRACT
14. Uychiaoco A.J., Arceo H.O., Green S.J., De la
Cruz M.T., Gaite P.A. and Aliño P.M. / Monitoring and evaluation of
reef protected areas by local fishers in the Philippines: tightening
the adaptive management cycle ABSTRACT
15. Hockley N.J., Jones J.P.G., Andriahajaina F.B.,
Manica A., Rakoto F.E., Ranambitsoa E.H. and Randriamboahary J.A. /
When should communities and conservationists monitor exploited
resources? ABSTRACT
16. Roberts R. L. Donald P.F. and Fischer I.J. /
Project Kagu: Developing a web-based data collection system for the
global monitoring of bird distribution and abundance ABSTRACT
Chinese version of the papers originally published in
Biodiversity and Conservation and ORYX
monitoring in developing countries: what are we trying to achieve?
Finn Danielsen, Marlynn M. Mendoza, Phillip Alviola, Danny S. Balete,
Martin Enghoff, Michael K. Poulsen
and Arne E. Jensen. Oryx Vol 37 No 4 October 2003
participatory biodiversity monitoring and its applicability: a
response to Yoccoz et al. and Rodriguez
Finn Danielsen, Marlynn M. Mendoza, Anson Tagtag, Phillip Alviola,
Danny S. Balete, Martin Enghoff, Michael K. Poulsen and Arne E. Jensen.
Oryx Vol 37 No 4 October 2003
Manual for Community Based Monitoring of Natural Resource
Use and Forest Quality
Majid Mhina, MGM Consultant; Elmer Topp-Jørgensen, Biodiversity
Specialist, NORDECO; and Michael K. Poulsen, Participatory Biodiversity
Monitoring Specialist, NORDECO. Iringa District Lands, Natural
Resources and Environment Office, 2003
Sistema de Monitoreo de la Biodiversidad (SMB)
Desarrollo de un Sistema Piloto para CONAF UGPS Región XI, Manejo
Sustentable de Áreas Silvestres Protegidas en la Región de Aysén.
Facilitado por Finn Danielsen, NORDECO, Copenhagen, Dinamarca. Cabañas
La Pasarela, Coyhaique, XI Región de Aysén, Chile 23-25 de abril 2003
simple system for monitoring biodiversity in protected areas of a
developing country. Danielsen, F., D. S. Balete, M.
K. Poulsen, M. Enghoff, C. M. Nozawa, and A. E. Jensen. 2000.
Biodiversity and Conservation 9:1671-1705.