


Name of scheme


Community-based monitoring of fog capture and biodiversity at Loma Alta

Biome (terrestrial; freshwater; marine)



What is monitored


Birds and rain water

Who compiles data


Community members and volunteers (from abroad)

Number of community members involved


10 (2003)

Spatial scale. Size of area monitored


2430 ha in one area (2003)

Methods used


Methods include, e.g., transects

Year of initiation



Funded by


Funded by Earthwatch Institute


Documents or publications available


Becker 1999, Becker 2002, Estudillo and Becker 2002, Becker and Ghamire 2003, Becker et al. 2005

Organizers and contact details


C. Dustin Becker, Ana Agreda, Evelyng Astudillo, Melina Costantino and Pascual Torres

C. Dustin Becker: Earthwatch Institute and Aves de Ecuador and CECIA; University of New Mexico, Gallup-Zuni Branch, P.O. Box 1248, Zuni, NM 87327, USA; E-mail:


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